Teaching Philosophy
The liberal arts is, in a word, liberating. Economics is one part of a well-rounded, liberal arts education. I approach teaching as a way to introduce economic ideas to my students and to give them the tools necessary to critically think through these ideas. I believe my students already possess the ability to learn such ideas. My role is to present various economic ideas in engaging, clear ways so as to prepare them to participate in real-world conversations about economics. I know each student has a unique perspective to offer in economics, and my courses help them find their voices and use critical thinking skills to participate in these broader conversations.
Specifically, there are three guiding principles that form the foundation of my pedagogical approach. First, I believe students learn best when taught with varied iterations of economic concepts. Second, students should be exposed to diverse ideas and have the ability to discuss and debate such ideas, to facilitate lasting learning and critical thinking. Third, I prioritize the success of my students, both inside and outside of the classroom.
Courses Taught
Teaching Professor, Xavier University (over many semesters--please contact me for syllabi if interested)
Natural Resources Economics
Macroeconomic Principles
Microeconomic Principles
Markets and Morality
Lecturer, Catholic University of America
Environment and Economics, (Evaluation: 6.97/7) Fall 2021
Graduate Lecturer, George Mason University
Intermediate Microeconomics, (Evaluation: 5.0/5) Spring 2021
Intermediate Macroeconomics, (Evaluation: 4.6/5) Fall 2020
Environmental Economics for the Citizen, (Evaluation: 4.5/5, 4.63/5) Asynchronous Fall 2020, Spring 2021
Teaching Assistant, George Mason University
Economies in Transition, Summer 2020